A facelift, or “rhytidectomy,” is often listed among the top five most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. In many cases, a neck lift is performed simultaneously with a facelift in order to rejuvenate the facial appearance and profile. To be sure, it is not just women who seek these procedures. With the influence of social media and competitive business environments, men represent an increasing number of candidates for facelift and neck lift treatments.

The goal of a face/neck lift is to improve the visible signs of aging that injectable options such as dermal fillers or BOTOX® Cosmetic cannot fully address. Oftentimes, our surgeons at Florida Plastic Surgery Group are asked by patients how they can correct loose skin at the jawline and reduce the appearance of jowls; how they may be able to restore youthful cheekbones as fat descends with age or correct deep creases along the nasolabial folds and corners of the mouth; or how they can address a loose, “turkey neck” appearance or muscle bands seen in the neck. The answer typically involves a face/neck lift. 

There is no particular “right age” for a facelift as everyone ages at different rates and the skin begins to lose elasticity at distinct time periods among individuals. Ultimately, good candidates for this procedure are typically those who are: experiencing concerns that can ideally be addressed with a face/neck lift; do not smoke; and have realistic expectations about what the results of the procedure can achieve. Our plastic surgeon will develop a surgical plan uniquely tailored to the patient’s needs.

Our plastic surgeons all believe that, to deliver a lasting result, the deeper structures of the face and neck must be shaped – as opposed to just tightening the skin, which may often be the case with so-called “lunch-time facelift” procedures. The treatment is most commonly performed with general anesthesia under the supervision of a board-certified anesthesiologist and can typically be completed on a same-day, outpatient basis. A supportive post-operative dressing is applied, and bruising may last 7 to 10 days. 

Commonly, eyelid or browlift surgery may be combined at the same time as the face/neck lift. Additionally, our surgeons have found that facial fat grafting, also referred to as facial fat transfer or “fat injections”, performed in tandem with the face and neck lift procedure can be quite beneficial for many patients. Facial fat grafting involves the harvesting of excess fat cells from another body area via liposuction. Once that step is accomplished, the fat cells are filtered and prepared for injection into targeted areas of the face with the goal of restoring volume and/or diminishing signs of fine lines and wrinkles. Facial fat grafting can ultimately provide more comprehensive aesthetic facial rejuvenation and enhance additional facial areas. Plus, since the patient’s own fat cells are utilized instead of a synthetic substance such as a dermal filler solution, the results can last much longer and look even more natural. 

If you are considering facial/neck rejuvenation and desire a natural-looking result, contact us to schedule a consultation. One of our plastic surgeons will be happy to speak with you and develop a plan that is right for your needs and goals. 

Editor’s note: this blog post has been updated from its original version published on 1/20/2015. 

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