
What Will Scars Look Like After an Arm Lift?

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is an elective outpatient surgery designed to remove excess skin and fat along the arms. This treatment has become more and more popular over the years and offers both women and men an effective way to give the upper arms a more youthful...

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What does a typical recovery look like after DIEP flap breast reconstruction?

Any surgical recovery covers a spectrum and it will largely depend on the individual and how prepared they are physically/mentally entering surgery. Overall, we say DIEP flap breast reconstruction recovery is 6-8 weeks. This does not mean that you necessarily need to take that mu...

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What can I expect from my hospital stay for a DIEP flap breast reconstruction?

A bilateral (both breasts) DIEP flap surgery on average takes 6-8 hours to perform from start to finish. Following surgery the patient is moved to the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) briefly prior to being transferred to the ICU overnight. Overnight you will remain in the ICU fo...

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What determines my breast incision pattern following DIEP flap breast reconstruction?

The DIEP flap breast reconstruction is an excellent option for those patients that desire to use their own tissue to reconstruct their breasts following a mastectomy. The incision across the abdomen resembles an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) incision. However, the breast incision p...

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Can tissue regenerate after I undergo a gynecomastia procedure?

Gynecomastia is a benign medical condition of enlarged glandular tissue of the male breast. There are a variety of factors that can lead to this condition, but the most commonly it is an unknown cause. A surgery can be performed to excise (remove) the glandular tissue through a h...

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What is brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery?

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift surgery, is an elective outpatient surgery to remove excess skin and fat along the arms. There are several reasons a patient may present for a brachioplasty, most commonly it is secondary to weight loss or genetic predisposition. As with a...

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Should I elect to have a dental block prior to my facial dermal filler?

Local anesthesia, both topical and injectable forms, can be used in conjunction with dermal fillers to provide additional comfort. Some brands, such as JUVÉDERM® XC and JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA XC, have 0. 3% lidocaine in the injectable product itself. However, some...

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