
Is a Facelift and Neck Lift Right for Me?

A facelift, or “rhytidectomy,” is often listed among the top five most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. In many cases, a neck lift is performed simultaneously with a facelift in order to rejuvenate the facial appearance and profile...

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How Long Should Swelling and Numbness Last After a Facelift?

A facelift is a standard procedure to rejuvenate the changes caused by facial aging, and there are a variety of facelift techniques that could be performed based on your individual needs. The amount of swelling and numbness that someone can experience after a facelift vari...

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How to Prepare for a Facelift

Many steps go into preparing for a facelift surgery. The more prepared you are, the easier the process will be. Once you choose your plastic surgeon, you will have an initial visit in the office for your consultation to discuss your facelift. Be prepared to answer questions such...

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Can I afford a facelift?

As we age, the underlining facial muscles/supporting layers become lax, and folds develop along the jaw (jowls), neck, and cheeks. A facelift or rhytidectomy tightens the facial muscles/supporting layers and loose skin on your face and neck and removes excess fat if present. Comm...

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Benefits of a Face Lift

A face lift restores a more youthful facial appearance that can last for many years. The result of your procedure depends on the type of face lift you elect, but some of the benefits may include:Definition of jaw lineDefinition of chin and neckReduction of deep folds around th...

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Facelifts for Men

A facelift can have one of the biggest impacts on your appearance after a certain age. Not only can facelifts help men look younger, but seeing a younger you in the mirror every morning can offer you the confidence you need to face every day with enthusiasm and confidence. One of...

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Face Lift

The face lift has always been one of the most common and popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. In Jacksonville, Florida, cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Ankit Desai performs face lifts (rhytidectomy) on men and women of all ages at the Florida Plastic Surgery...

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