How many grams of breast tissue equals a pound?
Blog Series on Breast Reduction: The ten things you've been wanting to know.Number 5/10:Q: How many grams of breast tissue equals a pound?A: 1 pound is 453.59 grams.Breast tissue is composed of fibrous and fatty tissue, so the volume of that pound could vary dep...
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How many grams will I need to be taken out of my breasts for breast reduction?
Blog Series on Breast Reduction: The ten things you've been wanting to know.Number 4/10:Q: How many grams will I need to be taken out of my breasts for breast reduction?A: If the breast reduction is going through insurance, they will make a final decision on how...
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Where will my scars/incisions be for a breast reduction?
Blog Series on Breast Reduction: The ten things you've been wanting to know.Number 3/10:Q: Where will my scars/incisions be for a breast reduction?A: With a standard breast reduction the incisions/scars will be around the nipple/areola with a vertical incision of...
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Will I get a breast lift with a breast reduction?
Blog Series on Breast Reduction: The ten things you've been wanting to know.Number 2/10:Q: Will I get a breast lift with a breast reduction?A: A breast reduction will also include a breast lift, and the nipple will be appropriately re-positioned on the new reduce...
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How do I know what size I will be after a breast reduction?
Blog Series on Breast Reduction: The ten things you've been wanting to know.Number 1/10:Q: How do I know what size I will be after a breast reduction?A: As with any breast surgery, one cannot guarantee a cup/bra size after surgery. Every bra manufacturer bra sizes wil...
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Does a breast reduction include a breast lift?
A breast reduction mammoplasty involves the removal of excess breast tissue, skin, and repositioning the nipple to a higher location. Traditional methods of a breast reduction resulted in the breasts “bottoming out” over time. Our talented plastic surgeons perfor...
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