Breast Augmentation and/or Breast Lift – Which is Right for Me?
There are several options available if you are looking to improve the appearance of your breasts. Two of the most common procedures are breast augmentation and a breast lift. Each of these procedures provides a variety of benefits, and the ideal option for you will be determined...
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Choosing the Right Breast Augmentation Size
During a consultation with plastic surgeon Dr. Ankit Desai, you will discuss the size of breast implant for your breast augmentation. The decision of size is ultimately up to you, so you may want to take some time to think about the various factors influencing your decision.Inst...
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Lifespan of Breast Implants
Breast implants are not lifetime devices. Like most other devices and products, breast implants become more vulnerable to damage over time, as the material used to construct the implants ages.Generally, there is no certain amount of time at which a breast implant must be replaced...
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How Long will My Breast Implants Last
While breast implants do not come with an expiration date, they will also not last forever.The lifespan of breast implants varies based on a number of individual factors, although many reports indicate that breast implants can last between 11 and 15 years without requiring repla...
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Breast Augmentation Incision Options
One of the decisions you will make with Dr. Desai before your breast augmentation is where to make the incision for your breast implants. Each incision option comes with certain advantages and disadvantages that will vary depending on your individual needs.In general, however, th...
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Saline Breast Implants
Saline breast implants have been used for decades in the United States. This type of breast implant can be placed while it is empty and deflated, allowing for a smaller incision size and less scarring. Once placed, saline implants are filled with a salt water solution to match th...
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Silicone Breast Implants
In 2006, silicone breast implants were approved by the FDA for use in women 22+ years old. Although saline breast implants have been in use for much longer, silicone implants are quickly growing in popularity because of their superior look and feel. When properly placed, silicone...
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How Long Will My Breast Implants Last?
Like all medical devices, breast implants do not last forever. The FDA has found that after an average of 10 years, at least one of a woman's breast implants will have ruptured or leaked. Silicone breast implant manufacturers usually advise having silicone implants replaced...
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Breast Implants
There are two types of breast implants available at Florida Plastic Surgery Group. These are saline filled and silicone filled. Each breast implant has benefits and drawbacks, which you can discuss at length with Dr. Desai during your consultation.Saline Breast ImplantsSaline bre...
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Breast Augmentation – Finding the Right Size
When your breasts aren't the size you want, it’s often easy to fantasize about your cup size being vastly larger. Such thoughts can skew your thinking about breast augmentation and personal feelings following surgery.Like Goldilocks discovered, some things are too sma...
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